Coolant Reservoirs GF FILTERTECHNIK FU

metal working machines / accessories for machine tools / Coolant Reservoirs

item-No.: 144964948 Quantity: 1 Date: 10.08.2024
Year of manufacture:
Price: 950 EUR
Manufacturer: GF Filtertechnik
Model: FU
Type of machine: Coolant Reservoirs
Description: Coolant Reservoirs GF Filtertechnik FU

used machine

Additional tank with Spaenefoerderer GF Filter technology FU
Dimensions 1.6mlang inc Spaenefoerderer
0.7m wide to motor 0.9m
1m High
Mass tank contents
High 500mm to M154607 bottom pipe 350mm
Low 680mm
Long 960mm
seller offer No. resale 144964948


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