Film imagesetters GRETAG MACBETH SPL III

printing machines / pre press: imagesetter and CTP / Film imagesetters

item-No.: 154375451 Quantity: 1 Date: 21.11.2024
Year of manufacture: Location: 70469 Stuttgart
Price: 2,800 EUR
Manufacturer: Gretag Macbeth
Model: SPL III
Type of machine: Film imagesetters
Description: Film imagesetters Gretag Macbeth SPL III

used machine


Gretag Macbeth Spectralight III uses a patented filtered tungsten halogen daylight source. This means that it contains an even balance of color energy, just like natural daylight. The more even the balance of color energy, the more accurate the light source makes color.

This color energy is displayed in a spectral power distribution curve (SPD). If your light source doesn't match the SPD curve for natural daylight, your ability to evaluate color is distorted. That means you M327461 could approve color that your customers reject and vice versa!

Manufacturer: Gretag Macbeth


Further data: see also photos

All information without guarantee
seller offer No. resale 154375451
Machine in stock: Yes


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