Binding machines SCHMEDT Präleg 1805

printing machines / post press: perfect binders / Binding machines

item-No.: 163415514 Quantity: 1 Date: 04.11.2024
Year of manufacture: 2006 Location: 32423 Minden
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Schmedt
Model: Präleg 1805
Type of machine: Binding machines
Description: Binding machines Schmedt Präleg 1805

used machine

Masch. Nr.: 813

Format maximum 340 x 450 x 80 Format minimum 80 x 110 x 2

Capacity 200 - 240 / h for series production 120 - 140 / h K161498 with changing book sizes

seller offer No. resale 163415514
Machine in stock: Yes


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