Four-sided planing machines WEINIG Unimat 23

wood working machines / planing machines / Four-sided planing machines

item-No.: 164910317 Quantity: 1 Date: 13.12.2024
Year of manufacture: Location: 32683 Barntrup
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Weinig
Model: Unimat 23
Type of machine: Four-sided planing machines
Description: Four-sided planing machines Weinig Unimat 23

used machine

Four-sided planer Weinig
Type: U 23
Built in 1994

Planing width 240 mm
Planing height 160 mm
10 shafts, arrangement of planing shafts and table rollers
1. Down
smooth driven roller in the table
2. Right
3. Links
4. Right
smooth driven roller in the table
5. Top
6. Down
Smooth driven roller in the table
7. Top
8. Down
Smooth driven roller in the table
9. Universal u, re, li, o
Smooth driven roller in f113996 the table
10.Universal U,RE,LI,O
Smooth driven pull-out roller in the table
Spindle speed 8000 rpm
Total connected load 86 kW
Rated current 186 A

seller offer No. resale 9370
Seller-item-No.: 9370


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