Máquina de enchimento - alimentos GALDI RG 2.000 litros/hora

máquinas de embalagem / máquinas de enchimento

Número do item: 164838219 Quantidade: 1 Data: 01.11.2024
Ano de fabricação: 2000
Preço: 18,000 EUR
Fabricante: Galdi
Modelo: RG 2.000 litros/hora
Tipo de máquina: Máquina de enchimento - alimentos
Descrição: Máquina de enchimento - alimentos Galdi RG 2.000 litros/hora

máquina usada

Galdi filler for food liquids, milk-juice-yogurt-etc.

Machine filling 2,000 liters per hour in gable top carton, fed with folded containers that are automatically formed, seals the bottom filled with product, extracts the possible foam and seals the canopy. Later drag gravel on batch and date fire. Polyethylene drag chain. Volumetric dispenser with piston. Product tank
Stainless steel 26 liters and level check by probes. With connection E1161673 pieces for cleaning in place. Structure entirely in stainless steel. Made in europe with eec / 89/392 standards.
Riempitrice automatica gable top filling machines
seller offer No. resale P00429008
Seller-item-No.: P00429008


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